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Accueil > Évènements en Bretagne > Porkeria + The Flue Sniffers au Havana Café

Porkeria + The Flue Sniffers au Havana Café

42, rue de Tréguier 22300 Lannion


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  • Porkeria (Fast Punk - Texas)
    Featuring an ex-member of Bastard Sons Of Apocalypse they play HxC Punk, fast and blistering, and also, melodic and catchy. Their style is closely associated to the early second wave of UK '82 and international punk like G.B.H., Appendix, and R.I.P., and of course, Discharge.
  • The Flue Sniffers (Anarcho Punk - UK/BZH)

À partir de 21h - Prix libre


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