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Accueil > Évènements en PACA > Guitar Wolf + La Flingue au Molotov

Guitar Wolf + La Flingue au Molotov

3, place Paul Cézanne 13006 Marseille



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  • Guitar Wolf (Japan Power Garage Rock trio)
    A lot of japanese Rock'n'Roll fan's really look up to Guitar Wolf. They are Rock'n'Roll heroes in existence. They are special to us like no other. They have been making a lot of legends and playing sound the impulse as always from 90s. Their music is very extreme and very loud; just like Rock'n roll should be. Seiji's lyrics have a sense of individual humor and evoked a sense of "Galaxy" & "The Showa". The three guys cover themselves with a black leather that their sound is the same as a long time ago. They are always prusuing their style. Their perseverence had an effect on each others. Guitar Wolf has always pushed forward, beyond the boundaries of any one-dimensional rock trio. They will go on increasing Guitar wolf avid fans all over the world.
  • La Flingue (Marseille garage heroes)
    Punk. With ex-members of... Bah... Kill yourself, Jean-Claude Gaudin ! ...and dance the pogo like a rat.

À partir de 21h - 12,99€ en prévente / 15€ sur place

Le Molotov
Métro Notre-Dame du Mont - Cours Julien


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