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Accueil > Évènements en Belgique > Punk'n'broll IV - In Memoriam Sinkesh

Punk'n'broll IV - In Memoriam Sinkesh

Avenue du Port 51B 1000 Bruxelles


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__ Sat. 06.01.2018 - "PUNK und BROLL" Festival #4__

_______ In Memoriam SINIŠA KRIŠTOFIĆ _________


// Slovenians
// The Progerians
// Frau Blücher and the drünken horses
// Sons of Disaster
// Krakenizer

Punk / Rock / Electro / Sludge / Stoner / ...

C'est en 2014 que le trio des 2 croates ; SINIŠA (alias Sinkesh) et sa sœur TINA KRIŠTOFIĆ + son beau-frère Pingu (Alias Stéphane) ont l'idée de co-organiser un festival "Rock&Punk" annuel, intimiste et convivial puisque les lieux choisis ne pouvaient accueillir qu'une centaine de passionnés (L'os à Moelle à Bruxelles, Le Moulin Fantôme à Tubize). Toujours avec une programmation variée et locale.

Voici la 4ème édition du "PUNK und BROLL", consacrée spécialement à notre ami, frère, etc. "SINKESH", fondateur et guitariste des SLOVENIANS, et qui nous a quitté cet été, à l'âge de 40 ans.

Les groupes invités ont été choisis en fonction de ses gouts et de ses affinités.

Cette édition est d'autant plus spéciale qu'elle se fera dans un des lieux de prédilections de Sinisha ; "le Magasin 4" et que la date choisie tombe le jour de son anniversaire ; un 6 janvier.

Un prix d'accès à 5€, une atmosphère de tarés, de la bière et de la sueur, des groupes survoltés et de la bonne humeur, voilà ce qui vous attend lors de cette édition 2018, plus que particulière !

On compte sur vous pour lui rendre hommage comme il se doit !

>>>> http://urlz.fr/6exP <<<<


+ OPENING HOUR : 17:00

► EVENT PAGE : www.facebook.com/events/1636993376364251


>> THE MIGHTY PROGERIANS (Rock / Punk / Rock'n'roll / Sludge / Stoner)

The Fabulous Progerians are a three-piece that radiates throughout the Brussels' underground and its surroundings. This heavy and fat paving block seeks to translate youth's anxiety, agonising in unemployment and lust offered by the modern world for lack of a future.

Their influences go far back into prehistory, but it's somewhere between Punk and Sludge that the band likes to find its secret harmonies.

Known for powerful performances, they are usually joined by other musicians who widen even more the sound spectrum and universe of the band.

Think sludge, acceleration, groove, sweat, loud, party, psyche, punk, thirst!

>> SLOVENIANS (Punk / Garage)

SLOVENIANS is a punk rock garage band from Brussels, Belgium active since July 2014. It's current line up straight out of the Croatian, Swiss and Belgian punk rock hardcore skateboarding scene are bound together by their insatiable love for things that go fast, play loud and party hard!

The band's compositions are mostly inspired by Punk Rock bands like The Dead Kennedy's, The New Bomb Turks and Old School Hardcore Punk bands like Minor Threat. This with a nice touch of 60's/70's Rock 'n Roll, Blues, Surf and Garage Rock influences that definitely makes Slovenians stand out.

Their first EP "Frankie Goes To Ljubljana" was recorded in December 2014 in Studio Six from which the tracks ‘I'm Not Batman' and ‘Babysitter' can often be heard in some of the best alternative DJ sets in Brussels and underground web radio's.

After two years of discharging their energetic SloPunk' Rocking sound all around Belgium Slovenians decided it was time to return to the studio. Their first 13 tracks album is about to be released in 2016!


Frau Blücher and the drünken horses are a female fronted Punk N Roll quintet from Brussels, Belgium. The band started in 2011 from what was initially meant to be a one-time jam.

The band released three full-length albums made of original material only: "Quick & Dirty" in January 2013, "Lethal Pill Cocktail" in October 2014 and "über Fenomenal" in March 2017 (all on P.O.G.O. Records). Frau Blücher's songs are written in the vein of the 70's/80's Punk & Heavy Rock and inspired by the likes of the Ramones, L7, Motörhead, Vice Squad, Plasmatics and many others.

Frau Blücher and the drünken horses use to play around twenty gigs a year from small pubs to larger venues. Lately the band was chosen to open for The Addicts, The Lords Of Altamont, Nashville Pussy and The BellRays. The concerts of the Frau are direct, powerful, restless and highly participative!

For the record, the name of the band is taken from a character in Mel Brooks' movie "Young Frankenstein", a woman who has a strange relationship with horses

>> SONS OF DISASTER (Rock'n'roll / Punk Rock)

Sons of Disaster were born on the 6/6/2010 in BxHell Rock City at 6AM . . . Sons of Disaster is "High Octane Rock 'n' Roll" induced by overcharged riffs , selfdestructive hard-hitting drums , unforgiving bass-lines and lyrics comin' to you from a brandy-distillery run by satan's whores . . . Every gig is played like it's the last one . A crowd with 10 or 1000 people will get exactly the same energy through their bones and veins !

>> KRAKENIZER (Electro Punk)

21 siècles après ce que prétendent les contes ; tandis que la morosité tant climatique que politique déverse sa grisaille sur la capitale ; quatre rebelles sans closes décident d'invoquer le Kraken tapis dans les tréfonds du canal. De cette sombre messe résulte une musique tentaculaire, aussi dansante que pesante, Lucienne posant son slam poétique sur un trio basse/synthé/batterie aux résonances tant électro 90's que punk ou encore doom. À découvrir dès maintenant dans ta salle de concert préférée.

Le Magasin 4

Punk'n'broll IV - In Memoriam Sinkesh le 06 janvier 2018 à Bruxelles (BE)

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