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Accueil > Évènements en PACA > Moscow Death Brigade au Molotov

Moscow Death Brigade au Molotov

3, place Paul Cézanne 13006 Marseille



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  • Moscow Death Brigade (Techno Rap Punk - Russie)
    Moscow Death Brigade is a hardcore/rap band from Russia, combining hip hop rhymes and beats, punk/metal instrumentals and political/social lyrics. MDB has become one of the most active Russian antifascist bands, opposing all kinds of discrimination and fascism, organizing and taking part in benefit events and spreading the word of unity. MDB shows usually attract all kinds of representatives of subcultures: from punx, skinheads and metalheads to hip hop kids, graffiti writers and football hooligans, demonstrating that all of us are the parts of the same worldwide underground movement, based of friendship, mutual support and freedom.

À partir de 21h - 10€

Le Molotov
Métro Notre-Dame du Mont - Cours Julien


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